Download company logo - Downloads

The visual design for download

The logo is the central element of the company’s visual presentation. Infinitely variable, the logo may be resized at a proportional ratio. The smallest possible display option depends on the respective production technology. The logo’s legibility and quality must always be guaranteed.

It shall be noted that the Felbermayr logo is protected by copyright. The logo may not be altered or copied without the express content of Felbermayr Holding GmbH.

You can download the company logo in different representations. Should you have any questions, please contact: marketing@­

Felbermayr-Logo with Internet address
(File format: png, colour format: rgb)


Felbermayr-Logo logo with Internet address
​​​​​​​(File format: eps, colour format: cmyk)

(File format: png, colour format: rgb)


(File format: eps, colour format: cmyk)